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ECRP (European Collaborative Research Projects)

Please note that there will be no ECRP Call in 2011.

Please click on the following links for more information on the cancellation of funding calls and ESF-EUROHORCS developments.



The European Collaborative Research Projects (ECRP) scheme was established to promote investigator-driven, multinational collaborative research in the social sciences in Europe and beyond. ECRP operates in the responsive-mode and its annual Call for Proposals is open to applications in all fields of the social sciences. The scheme offers opportunities to test innovative ideas, pool expertise and strengthen research capacity in line with the objectives of the European Research Area. Researchers may collaborate across participating countries on any subject which demonstrates a need for international cooperation, while the funding remains at a national level.

ECRP has a one-stage application procedure and a two-stage international peer review process coordinated by ESF which sets a high quality benchmark for the funded proposals. The Call for Proposals is published in January each year. Projects are generally supported for three to five years, depending on national rules, and some centralised funding is provided by the national funding organisations to support additional dissemination and capacity-building activities once the projects are running. 


More information here

(articol actualizat in: 10/2/2012)
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