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Studiu si cercetare in Germania
Serviciul German pentru Schimburi Academice (DAAD) pune la dispozitie burse de studiu pentru anul universitar 2012/2013. Sunt finantate cursuri de limba, programe de master si stagii de cercetare in cadrul universitatilor din Germania.
Seminar InnovFin
Banca Europeana de Investitii organizeaza, vineri 3 martie 2017, la Bucuresti, seminarul "Supporting Innovation in Romania".
Programul de Burse din partea Guvernului Francez (BGF)
Programul de Burse din partea Guvernului Francez (BGF) ofera tinerilor romani oportunitatea de a efectua un an de Master sau 12 luni in cadrul perioadei de doctorat in Franta. Apelul 2017 -2018 este deschis pana la data de 28 februarie 2017.
The Fulbright Senior Postdoctoral Program for Visiting Scholars 2017-2018
The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission announces the annual competition for Fulbright Senior Postdoctoral Awards for Romanian professors, researchers and professionals who have a doctoral degree or equivalent (certified). Grants are available for conducting research and/or lecturing in the U.S. universities.
The Fulbright-RAF Scholar Award for the academic year 2017-2018
The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission announces the Fulbright-RAF (Romanian-American Foundation) Scholar Award in the field of Entrepreneurship & Product Development, dedicated to Romanian academics from technical universities and faculties, who wish to carry out a semester-long fellowship in residence at the University of Rochester – AIN Center for Entrepreneurship, for study and independent research, curriculum development, classroom observation and participation in community-based entrepreneurial activities.
Romanian-American Foundation Scholar Award
The Romanian-American Foundation announces the RAF Scholar Award program. The RAF Scholar Award is a semester-long fellowship that will afford 6 Romanian professors from technical universities the unique opportunity to experience the blending of technology studies with entrepreneurship at the University of Rochester Ain Center for Entrepreneurship.
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship 2017-2018 is now open
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship program offers 10 months of practical professional development and non-degree academic study in the U.S. to accomplished mid-career professionals with potential for leadership and a demonstrated commitment to public service.
Apel eDigiregion pentru concepte inovative - oportunitate pentru dezvoltare si comercializare
In cadrul proiectului eDIGIREGION se cauta concepte inovative din domeniul IT&C cu potential de aplicare si dezvoltare in sectorul Internet of Things (cu focus pe industrie si/sau agricultura 4.0).
Programul de Burse din partea Guvernului Francez (BGF)
Ambasada Frantei in Romania a lansat apelul pentru Programul de Burse din partea Guvernului Francez (BGF) pentru anul 2016, oferind tinerilor romani oportunitatea de a efectua, in Franta, un an de Master sau 12 luni in cadrul perioadei de studii doctorale.
Programul de burse nationale UNESCO si L'Oreal Pentru femeile din stiinta
UNESCO si L'Oreal Romania au lansat, pentru al saptelea an consecutiv, Programul de burse nationale "Pentru femeile din stiinta" . Programul ofera sprijin comunitatii stiintifice nationale prin acordarea a doua burse pentru tinere cercetatoare din aria stiintelor vietii si aria stiintelor fizice.
ERA-AGE Conference
ERA-AGE Conference will take place on Tuesday 10 November, London.
The event is adressed to whom we will showcase the research work funded through ERA-AGE. Also JCRA AHA research projects will present with a focus on their findings (where available) and the value added from the collaborative approach.
Polonez – a fellowship programme, co-funded from the EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
POLONEZ is a funding programme addressed to incoming researchers who may apply for 12-24-month fellowships in host institutions in Poland.
Teaching Opportunities at US Academic Institutions for Visiting Scholars
The Fulbright Scholar in Residence (SIR) program offers opportunities to non-U.S. visiting scholars from different countries, including Romania, to teach at U.S. colleges and universities for one or both semesters.
The Fulbright Senior Postdoctoral Program for Visiting Scholars 2016-2017
Senior Postdoctoral Awards for Romanian professors, researchers and professionals who have a doctoral degree or equivalent (certified). Grants are available for conducting research and/or teaching in the U.S. universities.
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship 2016-2017 is now open
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship program offers 10 months of practical professional development and non-degree academic study in the U.S. to accomplished mid-career professionals with potential for leadership and a demonstrated commitment to public service.